Most MAGA Nazis have no idea that for centuries, gay people have been persecuted, tortured, and massacred in the name of Christianity.

That’s why we need a Pride Month, to make sure people never forget that “good Christians” have murdered innocent people simply because they’re gay.

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Oliver, thanks for including the video with the preachers; it's disturbing and hard to watch for me, as the mother of a gay man and the daughter of a bisexual man who attempted suicide. I also appreciate you including the Bible verses, especially those from the New Testament. It's been quite some time before I endured the proclamations of evangelical fundamentalists, and Bible studies, and I had forgotten where in the New Testament the anti-gay verse were found. I am not a Christian and can't even stand to be in Unitarian services, knowing they are derived from and have evolved from Christian doctrine.

I am heartened by going to a citizen protest against attempts to ban mifipristone and finding out that the national Presbyterian church supports reproductive freedom and a woman's right to privacy and choice. It was an interfaith gathering; many Jewish people were there, too, men and women.

Most Americans do not want this. We have become more tolerant. I no longer have to be terrified that my son will kill himself in despair. I will never have to paint over the walls of his bedroom with Kilz again, to cover the Sharpie markings of despair, wanting to die, and hatred of those who despise him, or check him into the hospital for mental health care. We never see his father, who said I was a femiNazi, told the children I engaged in bestiality, and once sent me a tape of a man contemplating cutting off his son's head because he was filled with the devil.

I notice that the men preaching are self-satisfied assholes. This use of the word "fag," from the pulpit, is new news to me. I personally think believing in sky daddies makes no sense whatsoever. And given where this branch of Christianity is going, and the Bible verses they choose to focus on (always about sex, never about abuse of power, never the many, many verses exhorting believers to love their brethren, not to judge, to take the mote from their own eye first, etc.), I personally want the federal government to find a way to deny Christian Nationalist churches tax exemptions. They are vehemently political. The dominionists, Pentacostals, fundamentalists need to be constrained. Legally. Sustainably. We need to elect people willing to write clear laws that define what the separation of church and state means in clear terms, and we need those laws to be enacted and enforced.

I am 66 years old and this battle between good and evil has been a defining aspect of my entire life history. I am heartily sick of it. Live and let live. Co-exist. These are mottos, a way to live your life, for tolerant people; they are anathema to these self-proclaimed keepers of a righteous moral code, delivered from from the Almighty. There is no arguing with people who have committed themselves to that fight. They have to be beaten. And that means that all of you out there, who still believe in a loving God, need to stand up against the evil that they are foisting on others.

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Great comment! Thanks, Docpatti! I couldn't agree more.

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Thank YOU, Oliver. Keep on makin' noise. 💪🏼🔥

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Jesus healed the Centurion's sais, which is mistranslated as servant, but a sais was the gay partner. Centurions were forbidden from having wives at all, at times, in the Roman armies, and gay partnerships were the norm. Jesus did not criticise, but instead, praised the Centurion for his faith.

Please do not confuse churchianity, with the Jesus they pretend to follow,, but know nothing about, and go right against.

The heinous church history over the centuries,has happened when it let itself get hijacked by politics and ignored Jesus commands to love each other.

I am very sad about the loss of your your dad. I hope your son stays safe.

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My son is well and safe. Thank you for your concern.

I'm aware that gay sex, prostitutes, and raping women occured back in the Roman days. Just as it does today. I don't confuse the rapacious appetites and ethical lapses of users, abusers, and power hungry people (men or women) with the teachings of Jesus.

I'm clear about what I believe is right and wrong. I'm also aware that people are limited in their ability to do what they believe is right in the face of powerful forces to the contrary.

I hope there will be a time when I can speak of what I believe, and about my personal ethical & moral convictions, without others thinking that they need to convince me that Jesus had it right and the church got it wrong.

I'm not very interested in "spiritual" things. I'm very interested in human behavior.

My hope is that people who are believers can figure out how to collaborate with people who are not religious or spiritual on shared goals for how to live in the physical world. It seems that we must have shared goals.

Can't we talk about what kind of society we want to live in without bringing religious beliefs into it?

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yup and there are a lot of young people here on substack who attack me for supporting womens rights and use religion as their excuse. and then say they are feminists!

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Well they damned sure are not feminists

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OMG! No wonder the MAGA Cult is so deranged! Listening to all that bullshit and believing them is a threat to society in and of itself.

Vote people! 🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙

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It could make me turn against the Bible but instead I realize that was written thousands of years ago and hopefully we’ve matured a bit in the time since Leviticus!

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Isn’t every accusation by these kooks a confession? 🤔

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Wait till you find out about Hitler’s Youth… The men with microphones are taking a page right out of his literal book. 🥺

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remember: supporting Nazis means you support gas chambers, death camps, prison starvation, medical experiments on humans, and so much more fun.

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And anyone else if they don’t “behave”.

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While it's not inaccurate to say this, I think it's important for it to be amplified that the nazis got their "inspiration" to do nazi things from the united states. Specifically, the american eugenics movement. So really, it's not surprising that a country that inspired nazism has eventually enacted the same ideologies itself on a larger scale. In essence, christofascist fundamentalists are just being very...american.

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Bingo. The notion that it couldn’t happen, here is laughable. Eugenics undergirds white supremacy.

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The sad thing about this is that most of those people who spewing hate towards gays are more than likely are gay themselves. Churches are the most sexually abusers of children. Most churches have been abusing children for decades. I believe that those same men have engaged in sexual acts with men and boys. Perverted pieces of $,?@,!

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What a bunch of miserable human beings. I’m normally all about giving anyone a chance. But there is always a room of people I will avoid if at all possible. That’s room filled Christian’s or republicans. They have proven time and time again they are the worse of the worst.

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Sorry, but I cannot listen to the hate preachers with their fake machismo. If Jesus showed up today he would slap each and every one of them!

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I couldn’t finish watching either. Too evil gor my spirit

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Imagine being LGBTQ and having this kind of an asshole for a parent/family…

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How do these hateful, judgmental assholes derive their positions from Jesus's teachings?

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I couldn’t even get through the whole video. I know it’s important to know what’s being said but holy hell these people are just evil.

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End tRump and his Nazis! They are consumate EVIL!

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