This is so crystal clear it's scary. I wasn't taught this is school. I didn't find out about how American companies helped the Nazis, especially Henry Ford.

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A superior and very thorough piece. I would only add that IG Farben was another big supporting company of Nazidom. And Charles Lindbergh was also a supporter of Hitler. I suppose some claimed it was a bulwark against communism. But Germany signed Russia up as an ally initially, so they couldn’t have been too worried. American simply had a lot of Nazi sympathizers at that time. There were a lot of anti-Semites. Some might have thought it a good idea to round up the Jews, but the final solution though suspected by some did not become public until very late.

I don’t know if this is true, but for some forced labor, awful as that doubtless was, kept them from the gas chambers. You may recall Schindler trying desperately to get workers signed up to save their lives. That was romanticized, but the basic idea was true.

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Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. Pay attention to those who are selective about what children learn in school!

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The parallels between Nazi Germany and 2020’s America are terrifying. I see the Orange Shit Gibbon’s (I will not use his name - he does not deserve any morsel of respect) rallies with bloodthirsty lunatics calling for “mass deportation” and I am chilled to the bone. I cannot believe we are here in history - again.

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This needs to be shared everywhere

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I knew some of this because of a college friend's parents who were survivors of the Holocaust. We all need to know all of it.

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A family "tree" would tell this horror story

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I don't think it's just the Republicans. Democrats come pretty close too.

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What Democrats would this be?

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Examples, please.

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Very true throught -- particularly vis-a-vis Prescott Bush, who continued to do business with the Nazis even after the US got involved with World War Two.

Trump's comment should have provoked outrage among Jewish voters, but roughly 100% of the Orthodox voted for him anyway. Then again, a ridiculously high percentage of Bible-thumping/twice-born Fundamentalists voted for Trump, which should tell us something...

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Wow. I knew about the American capitalists, but the rest of this is new to me. Pretty sure I learned in school, implicitly if not explicitly (but pretty sure explicitly) the other way round.

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Just - thank you for writing this.

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You've jumped the shark with your own kind of extremism.

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